Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
romulo [at] psu.edu
My main area of research is in the interface of dynamical systems, formal methods, and control systems. I am particularly interested in analyzing the resilience of control systems and designing resilient correct-by-construction safe and secure control systems. My research considers both resiliency against benign malfunctions/uncertainties and malicious attacks.
Supervisory control; formal methods; cyber-physical systems; security; reactive systems.
Latest News
- [02/2024]Two papers accepted at WODES 2024.
- [10/2023] Our paper "On tolerance of discrete systems with respect to transition perturbations" has been published in the Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems.
- [08/2023] I have presented our new work on robustness for discrete systems at Stéphane Lafortune's celebratory conference From Discrete Event Systems to Beyond: Symposium honoring Prof. Stéphane Lafortune on the occasion of his 65th birthday
- [07/2023] Our new tool Fortis for Analysis and Repair of Robust Software Systems will be apper in FMCAD 2023.
- [05/2023] New work on risk-tolerance of manufacturing systems has been accepted at CCTA 2023.
- [04/2023] Our new work on robustness in discrete systems has been accepted at the CAV 2023.